Public announcement FIDE/FSI for foreign players

Starting from 1st April 2016 all foreign players without FIN (FIDE Identity Number - ie the identifier issued by FIDE) will not be allowed to play in tournaments.

Therefore all players involved will have to apply to their federations * BEFORE * enrolling in any tournament (standard, rapid or blitz).

Announcements / Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We have some announcements we'd like to make for the 2016 Salento Open.

The past three years we have had a pretty good turnout of players but 2016 we expect the best Salento Open yet! We welcome the Ukrainian GM Andryi Vovk, Russian GM Igor Naumkin, French GM Adrien Demuth, Italian IM Carlo D'Amore, and WGM Tania Sachdev. It's nice to see many players who participated in our past events are coming once again!

Two new guests: the young FM Edward Di Benedetto, and WFM Desiree Di Benedetto - we hope you will enjoy the tournament and your time in Gallipoli!

Please follow us on We will update information regarding the pre-registered every week, and hope to inform all of you about special guests! You can find all the information/pre-registered list on our website. Another point, WCM Yelizaveta Orlova will be uploading on the chess blog weekly starting in the New Year - hope you can follow each week!

To those of you who don't celebrate Christmas on the 25th - Have a great one on Jan. 7!

See you in 2016 with new updates! Have a good 2015!

Invitati al Open Internazionale del Salento 2016

La prossima edizione della manifestazione sembra partire con i migliori presupposti non solo per confermare il livello qualitativo offerto negli anni per fare ancora meglio!

Al GM ucraino Andryi Vovk, al GM russo Igor Naumkin, al IM italiano Carlo D'Amore e al giovanissimo FM Edoardo Di Benedetto alla WFM Desiree Di Benedetto si aggiungono infatti due nuovi invitati; è con grande piacere che diamo il benvenuto al GM francese Adrien Demuth (Elo 2537), insieme a lui un piacevole ritorno, sarà di nuovo con noi la WGM Tania Sachdev (Elo 2357).

Adrien DemuthWGM Tania Sachdev

Non possiamo che consigliarvi di continuare a seguirci perché da qui a i primi del 2016 saranno altri i giocatori e le giocatrici di livello internazionale che si aggiungeranno a loro! Potrete trovare la liste e le informazioni relative agli invitati al torneo nella pagina dedicata del sito:

Con l'occasione i migliori auguri di buone feste e un sereno 2016 a tutti coloro che hanno partecipato alle 4 precedenti edizioni dell' Open del Salento - Ecoresort Le Sirenè.

Chess Projects



Introducing our Communications and Media Administrator from Canada…

Hello everyone! I have some interesting news to share! Before I start, I'd like to do a little intro about myself.

My name is Yelizaveta Orlova. I am a Woman National Master and Woman Candidate Master. I've represented Canada on numerous occasions which include 6x Provincial Chess Champion, 5x National Chess Champion and 2x on the Canadian Women's Team in 2010/2012. So in total that makes me a chess player for 11 years!

I am very in love with this beautiful game but I must admit I've taken a break from playing professionally… it's a lot of work to maintain or grow your level, and there's a lot of pressure when you are playing competitively.

What am I doing right now with my life? 

I am full time chess teacher. Chess became even more important to me and being a chess teacher at the age of 16 years old, it was a new and wonderful experience. Giving knowledge to your students and seeing them succeed.

I've been teaching for 5 years and I LOVE it!

Currently I am teaching in schools lunch/afternoon programs, private students, publicity officer for Chess Federation of Canada and a chess server called Chess Coliseum. My friend and I, we have started our own business called Pub Chess Toronto. The main purpose of this business is to modernize chess. Some people believe that chess is too long, boring and hard to play. In the pub atmosphere we can change that! You can play chess while having drinks, eating food and meeting new people!

Here is the big news: 

Remember how I said I don't play competitively anymore? After two years I've decided to continue again, and my international tournament comeback will be this May (2016)!

Where am I going? How long am I staying?

I will be traveling to Italy from May 14 - 31. The first few days I will be staying in Rome and then will go to Gallipoli, which is a beautiful small town by the seaside. While I am in Rome I want to see the most of it, there will be a lot of traveling around the city. In Gallipoli, where I will be playing and working at the tournament. Working as in helping set up the tournament, do a lecture, among other things. I am very excited because this will be my first time in Italy!
What's the purpose of my trip? 

Mostly the reason why I am going to Italy is the tournament. A great experience it will be to help during the tournament. Since I am an entrepreneur and would like to host big chess events in the future, this trip will teach me how to be a good tournament organizer, preferably an international one.

I am happy to announce that I was offered by Chess Projects to participate in the tournament and be the communication and media administrator.

What am I entitled to do? Advertise the tournament as much as possible and talk to chess players who might be interested in playing this upcoming May! I have had a lot of experience with social media, and with my chess connections - I believe I could do a great job (in both positions).

Why should YOU participate in the tournament? 

1) You get to meet me! (Joking about this one...)

2) The tournament is short, everyday there is one round - May 21 to 28

3) Beautiful area - right by the seaside! In May, the weather is warm enough to start swimming.

4) Can meet international chess players, and listen to the GM lectures

5) Traveling, there is always time before and after the round to see some great sites!

6) Witness new cultures, make new friends.

7) Hotel rates are not expensive. (More details to come....)


More info about the tournament:

5th Salento Open

May 21 - 25, 2016

Gallipoli, Italy

9 rounds

5,000 euros guaranteed in prizes.





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